About SuCro Kinesiology

Su Crough
* Multi Award Winner
* Diploma of Energetic Kinesiology
* Adv. Diploma Functional Kinesiology
* Kinesiology and Business Trainer
* LEAP - Brain Integration Lvl 1-5
* Cert IV Trainer & Assessor
* Business Consultant
* Senior First Aid Certified
I am the owner of SuCro Kinesiology and founder of Perth Kinesiology Specialist Group. I feel humble and privileged to be an O'Neill College, Advanced Diploma Practitioner and current Member of the College's Teaching team.
I graduated as an award winning Kinesiologist, receiving the highest honour of Graduate of the Year and whilst I love all aspects of what Kinesiology can help with,
Teaching and growing the industry of Kinesiology in Australia is also something I am passionate about and this was the inspiration for the development of the Perth Kinesiology Specialist Group. The future of this will allow people to receive the most current and best treatment for their specific condition from a highly skilled Kinesiologist. In addition to this, it will also create the potential for a graduate program here in Perth. Awareness of Kinesiology as an effective complimentary therapy is growing rapidly and is fast becoming a key factor in the future of health in Australia as it already is in many countries around the world. The regulation, quality and integrity of natural health services has never been so important. All Practitioners who represent under the banner of the PKSG team are qualified and experienced to the highest degree. To find out more about this group visit www.pksg.com.au
I worked for many years in the high paced Corporate and Resources sector before I discovered Kinesiology as a therapy to help manage the stress and anxiety in my life. In addition to the everyday stresses of life, I have a solid understanding of the pressure these job roles cause on individuals and families alike. My experience in these
I have a special place in my heart for physical pain recovery, assisted fertility, anxiety support for young people and working with those who suffer from the affects of domestic violence & abuse.
fields drove me to switch to an industry that would allow me to align my work with my personal values. Since discovering the amazing modality of Kinesiology I have not looked back.
On a personal level, Kinesiology has been a life saving gift. Because of my values and beliefs around integrity and commitment, I held on for 22 years to a marriage that was very toxic and destructive. Consequently I allowed my family to be physically and emotionally hurt and found myself struggling with guilt and lacking in self worth. Kinesiology has provided support in a progressive and gentle way, leading me to new viewpoints, bravery, courage to move on and soulful healing. Now as a Practitioner and mum of my 4 amazing kids I have found my life's true purpose and passion.
Thus far I have journeyed to the centre of my life, in years that is ;), and through this journey I have discovered that although life doesn't always work out the way you imagined it would, within us all is the power to choose and create the possibilities we desire.
A way to Live Life Better.
I look forward to working with you on your journey and supporting your choice to Live Life Better.
SuCro Kinesiology
**Supporting those suffering from the trauma of domestic violence is a way I choose to pay forward the support I have received along my own journey of recovery. If you or someone you know is suffering from the impact of domestic violence, please email me to see if I may be able to help. sucrokinesiology@outlook.com