What is Kinesiology?
In simple terms, Kinesiology is the process by which we facilitate and support the body to restore its intended and natural balance as it progresses through the many and varied stresses of life.
It's easy for us to feel out of balance as we struggle to manage our day to day demands. Sometimes these demands create unhealthy pressures and levels of stress that can then lead to physical and emotional imbalances. A simple example of this is to take a moment and imagine the thought of having to give an unprepared speech in front of hundreds of people. For most people the stress of just thinking about this can cause physical changes like sweating palms, nausea, dizzyness, diarrhhoa, etc. Whilst some stresses in our life are more subtle than this example, they all create a physical and or emotional effect.
How does Kinesiology work?
"Kinesiology is a holistic approach to long lasting health and vitality, with results that can be felt immediately. It melds ancient eastern energetic healing arts with western physiological healing science to address a wide-range of physical, emotional, mental, nutritional and spiritual issues.
What makes kinesiology unique is that the Kinesiologist is not the dispenser of healing knowledge to the client but rather the facilitator of the body’s own intelligence to be healed and whole.
The major tool used in Kinesiology is gentle muscle monitoring, a form of direct communication with the physical, emotional, mental and cellular systems of the body
The Client’s muscle response not only directs the Kinesiologist to the cause of their problems but also directs them to the correction needed to resolve these problems."
Charles T Krebs, Tania O'Neill McGowan
Author: "Energetic Kinesiology"

Kinesiology, from an accredited and appropriately qualified Kinesiologist, can help to identify the triggers and facilitate life changing differences to aid physical, mental and emotional well being and transformation.
Not all Kinesiologists are qualified or trained to an equal level. It is important that you research and ensure that your therapist is certified by a government accredited training facility. Appropriately certified practitioners include those who have not only completed a 2 year Diploma or 3 year Advanced Diploma, but who also have extensively studied and been certified as competent in a thorough understanding of Anatomy, Physiology and Neurology of the body. The final point of difference in the quality of your practitioner is the number of supervised clinical hours and variance of people they have been mentored to treat. Never be afraid to ask lots of questions and request a copy of certification from your chosen practitioner. Unfortunatley Health Fund rebates have been removed for Kinesiology at this time.
Kinesiology does not diagnose medical conditions nor does it replace medical care. It is recommended that you see your Medical Practitioner for any physical or psychological aliment you may have. Kinesiology practitioners do not prescribe medications or perform medical treatment. Kinesiolgy treatment will not interfere with treatment from a licensed medical professional. It is a complimentary therapy working with energy and muscles only.